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This exhibition will have a title soon
Edson Luli
opening 22.11.2017 at 7pm
23.11.2017 - 18.01.2018
Prometeogallery di Ida Pisani
Via Ventura 6, Milano
Prometeogallery di Ida Pisani is pleased to present Edson Luli’s first solo exhibition “This exhibition will have a title soon”.
Our thought process is an extension of our perception and not the accumulation of knowledge.
Departing from this proposition, Luli shows us that, when the everyday process of image production is combined with a specific visual and verbal interaction, the observer becomes the observed.
Contemporary human existence can be understood as an infinite number of influences. The everyday is a manifestation of this condition in which, even the act of formulating a question generates perceptive skills which condition our lives.
Connecting perception to the image movement, both our thought and visualisation processes become the extension of the mass media which, as in wakefullness as in sleep, melt into our perceptive processes.