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Progetto Genesi. Art and Human Rights
A cura di Ilaria Bernardi
Triennale Milano, february 2022 – april 2, 2023
The Genesi Association kicks off the second edition of Progetto Genesi. Art and Human Rights, curated by Ilaria Bernardi: a project that is articulated in a rich program consisting of a traveling exhibition (in Milan, Genoa and Brescia) and educational activities aimed at audiences of all ages. The exhibition is dedicated to the Genesi Collection - a contemporary art collection of the Genesi Association - consisting of works by artists from all over the world aimed at inducing reflection on the most dramatic issues of our time. The idea from which the conception of the project originates is that contemporary art can assume the role of ambassador of human rights. Conceived as interdisciplinary and multimedia, for radicality of commitment, breadth of horizons and breadth of the range of initiatives that compose it, Progetto Genesi represents a true unicum in the contemporary art system, not only Italian.