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Io Amo Te
Curated by Umberto Palestini
L'Arca, Teramo, Largo San Matteo, February 11 - May 01, 2023
"Io Amo Te", an exhibition which enhances artists' identity as well as their cultural one, between equalities and differences intertwined in mutual exchanges, is staged at the space "L'Arca", Teramo.
It is an aphorism from Minima Moralia, by German philosopher Theodor W. Adorno, that holds the strings of the exhibition Io Amo Te, which can be visited at L'Arca (Teramo), until May 1, 2023: "Love is the capacity to sense the similar in the dissimilar." What more coherent precept in the wartime and post-pandemic times we live in could have been chosen by the curator of the exhibition, Umberto Palestini, than the challenge of bringing artists of different generations together, uniting the contrast between the individual and the collective, finding the meeting point between belonging to a place and being in the world?
The answer lies in an exhibition that focuses on love. Six artists: Giuditta Branconi, Luigi Carboni, Fabrizio Cotognini, Matteo Fato, Giuseppe Stampone, and Georgia Tribuiani. And again a quote, this time from French writer André Breton, to clarify its meaning: Love is when you meet someone who gives you news about yourself.
Here then emerge multiple forms of love. Love toward the other. Understood as a collective feeling, contrary to today's widespread egocentrism and sense of subjectivity, but directed toward the self, personal identity and the Daimon that guides the soul toward creation.
Exibart: https://www.exibart.com/arte-contemporanea/io-amo-te-una-riflessione-a-tutto-tondo-sullamore/