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Whispers of the Self
Binta Diaw, Zehra Doğan, Regina José Galindo, Sandra Gamarra Heshiki, Sarah Jérôme, María Evelia Marmolejo, Aryan Ozmaei
Critical essay by:
Domenico de Chirico
19.03.2025 from 6 PM to 9 PM
20.03 - 17.05.2025
Via G. Ventura 6 - Via Massimiano,
20134 Milan
On Wednesday, March 19, 2025, from 6 to 9pm, Prometeo Gallery Ida Pisani presents Whispers of the Self, a group exhibition featuring the works of seven women artists, Sandra Gamarra, Aryan Ozmaei, Sarah Jérôme, María Evelia Marmolejo, Binta Diaw, Regina José Galindo and Zehra Doğan.The exhibition will be accompanied by a critical text by Domenico De Chirico.
Whispers of the Self invites the public to embark on a journey of reflection and discovery of one's “self”, exploring how one's own origins, stories and experiences intertwine with those of others, transporting them into a fluid and ever-evolving territory where the personal dimension merges with the collective.
Through a constant dialogue between individuality and community, Whispers of the Self offers a space for connection and confrontation, encouraging visitors to rediscover themselves through the gaze of the other.
The exhibition brings together works by Sandra Gamarra, Aryan Ozmaei, Sarah Jérôme, María Evelia Marmolejo, Binta Diaw, Regina José Galindo and Zehra Doğan. Each of them interprets the concept of “self” through heterogeneous languages and techniques, contributing to an expressive journey that addresses the depths of existence. The works reveal the shadows, tensions and possibilities for liberation inherent in human identity.
As Domenico De Chirico writes in his critical text: «Whispers of the Self offers a space for introspection, catharsis and the exploration of what, even today, seems to remain hidden from the eyes of the other, but which here, respecting individual practices, emerges powerfully in the possible intimacy of art».