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Come fuoco in una pozzanghera come fuoco spento
Ruben Montini
Critical essays by:
Arnold Braho
Domenico de Chirico
22.01.2025 from 6 PM to 9 PM
23.01 - 15.03.2025
Via G. Ventura 6 - Via Massimiano
20134 Milan
Prometeo Gallery Ida Pisani is pleased to announce Come fuoco in una pozzanghera come fuoco spento, Ruben Montini’s (b. 1986, Oristano) fourth solo exhibition, accompanied by critical essays by Arnold Braho and Domenico De Chirico. The exhibition investigates the human figure, first by undressing it and then by representing it through a seemingly theatrical language,
at times sacrilegious, at other times sprightly.
This structure inspires the works in the exhibition, in which Montini does not limit himself to a naturalist interpretation of the body but it ventures to a deep investigation of emotions and of the human mind. It addresses themes such as pain, fear, self-flagellation, loneliness, troubles and physiological alterations, abuses, unbalance, shortage, ecstasy, redemption and, finally, catharsis.
Through a vivid polytheism of fabrics sewn by multiple hands - a powerful metaphor for collaboration, collectivity, memory and continuity - Ruben Montini wants to explore human relationships, the construction of a collective meaning and the interaction between individuality and broader community. By weaving together colours, materials, images, words, slogans of denunciation or of awareness, his art explores the interconnection of opposites and suggests that every aspect of human life is intrinsically linked to the other.
Come fuoco in una pozzanghera come fuoco spento uproots the idea of heterosexuality as a pre-constructed wall of nature, and reduces it merely to a language: “a mass of signs, communication systems, coercive techniques, social orthopaedics and bodily styles”.